Financing and Insurance Options
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save money on preventative and restorative care.
If you’ve ever been confused or frustrated with dental insurance, you’re not alone. First of all, dental insurance isn’t really insurance at all. Dental insurance is more like a benefit plan. The type of benefit coverage you have, depends upon the plan that you and/or your employer negotiated with the insurance company.
At Great Northern Dental Care, we work very hard to give you the best information possible. Insurance companies are very careful to use words like “this is only an estimate” or “this document does not guarantee coverage”. We’ll do our best to help you translate all of the confusing lingo.
Getting to the dentist early and often is the least expensive way to care for your teeth, but we understand that dental emergencies and even scheduled procedures may not be part of the typical family budget. Here are just a few ways we can help.
All major credit cards are accepted. Claims are filed electronically on your behalf for faster service.
Payment plans are accepted through CareCredit; providing up to 12 months of deferred interest financing. In some situations, we can set up in-house, automatic recurring payments to help spread the cost of treatment over a couple months.
Patients often ask if Great Northern Dental Care is “in-network” of if we “accept” a patient’s insurance. We accept all insurance and will electronically file claims for our patients. However GNDC is not contracted or “in-network” with any private insurance.
Great Northern Dental Care is a Heatlhy Montana Kids provider. If your child has HMK, give us a call.