safe, effective, efficient.

Dental X-rays enable Dr. Jarvis to see decay inside teeth and below the gumline that would not be visible to the naked eye. X-rays allow him to detect cavities while they are small and before they become painful. Thanks to advances in technology, the benefits far outweigh the minimal radiation exposure. Digital x-rays emit as much as 85 percent less radiation than traditional film x-rays. At your next dental visit, please ask us any additional questions regarding our digital x-ray technology or give us a call at (406) 257-5696. Our first concern is your comfort and long-term health.

Digital X Rays with Great Northern Dental Care Kalispell MT
Great Northern Dental Care -

If you don't have dental insurance, Great Northern Dental Care has excellent news!

We have created our Great Northern Smile Club specifically to help our uninsured patients. For a low monthly subscription fee, Great Northern Dental Care will provide you and/or your family with preventative care and 10% off most restorative services.